Walk, and tours of the Miners Museum and the Island Rock Jewelry and Crafts shop - where jewelry is hand-crafted out of fluorspar - all offer the visitor an opportunity to reflect on the community’s rich history while experiencing its strong tradition of hospitality. For the outdoor person, St. Lawrence and its topography of vast rolling hills and striking fiords offer a vast area of untapped natural beauty ideal for individuals who appreciate hunting, fishing and deep sea diving.
Most promising for the future economic stability of St. Lawrence is the recent exploratory work by Canada Fluorspar on the existing mine property. This exploration activity on several fluorspar veins may prove the economic viability of the mine. Financial viability could mean the development of a modernized mill, a new wharf facility, and an inclusionary workforce trained in modern mining methods and safety standards. The resumption of large scale mining in St. Lawrence would enhance employment prospects for the town, providing high paying jobs in the mining industry along with significant economic spin-off.
The intrinsic strengths of this community and its people, combined with continued innovation and diversification of its economic base, and skills training for the workplace, will be pivotal in ensuring bright future for St. Lawrence.