Like other rural communities, Kapuskasing is facing challenges outside of youth retention. Numerous industries in the area lack employees with the right skills, particularly in the mining industry, which is looking to expand in the near future. In addition, within the next five years or so, approximately half of the population will be retired, which will further widen the skills gap. With the town just a few hours’ drive from Timmins, some of the smaller businesses in the town are suffering, as many people go outside of town for their needs.
Despite its challenges, Kapuskasing has both a strategic plan for the city, as well as for the surrounding communities to help expand on potential opportunities in the area. At the heart of the town are very active community members who participate in a number of different activities and events. With such a strong vision for the town and the right people to carry out these plans, Kapuskasing is well-poised for success in the future.